138 Inches Above the Rhine


Elias and Sean talk about their current travels and transitions and reflect on their yearly/semi-yearly/quarterly themes. They end up in a discussion about making mental, emotional, or gut decisions and being at peace with them.

137 Convenience Glutton


Elias and Sean talk about convenience and fit in the contexts of things, places, and people.

136 Vagabonding Forever


Elias and Sean discuss standard of living and the owning and getting rid of possessions.

135 Dark Mode Hype Beast


Elias and Sean discuss the software and hardware unveiled at the WWDC keynote.

130 The Pinnacle of Low Art


Elias and Sean talk about what it means to be “cultured”, what makes “high culture”, how to be a critic, and how privilege affects all of those things.

129 The Dabbling Fringe


Elias and Sean discuss the communities that form around creative interests, the degrees of being in the in-group, and communication with and without jargon.