188 Spreadsheets Are Ziplines
Elias and Sean share stories of hard work and then talk about hard work as climbing a mountain.
Elias and Sean share stories of hard work and then talk about hard work as climbing a mountain.
Elias and Sean try to define hard work.
Elias and Sean discuss the messiness of working with humans.
Elias and Sean talk about companies treating people fairly and showing humanity.
Elias and Sean talk about companies who just want to be a happy family.
Elias and Sean compare and try to learn from the company cultures of Netflix and Basecamp.
Elias and Sean talk about the process of formalization and get into a debate about what counts as a checklist.
Elias and Sean talk about systems before and after they get named and formalized.
Elias and Sean discuss the effect of language on one’s perception of reality.
Elias and Sean consider the problem of too much information.