32 Speaking as Benjamin Franklin


Elias and Sean discover which historical creative people they are and then talk about sleep schedules and daily routines.

30 A Million Knobs and Switches


Elias and Sean talk about the Oscars, and what makes a good or an entertaining movie. Then they list a whole bunch of movies they like—and some they really don't.

29 Diversifying Legacy Passwords


In a sequel to the privacy discussion, Elias and Sean discuss trusting corporations with data and personal privacy and security practices.

28 I Love Some Clever Lawyers


Elias and Sean take on the topic of security versus privacy, from the Apple-FBI showdown to Snowden's email and national security letters – how much access the government should be given to their citizens' lives, and what it means when they go too far.

27 Some Funky Drone Show


Elias and Sean talk about the Super Bowl—from American football to Lady Gaga to Budweiser—and then talk a bit about following sports in general.

26 The Long-Windestest Ever


Elias and Sean talk about books—ebooks versus paper, Kindle versus iBooks, highlights and marginalia, and audiobooks. Plus an aside on podcasts in which Elias may have been talked into switching podcast apps.

25 The Guy We Went to for Worms


This week, Elias and Sean talk about video games on a variety of console/computer/handheld systems—starting with games they grew up with, and then talking about what they're playing now.

24 Hamster Buying


Elias quizzes Sean about cultural norms in the US and compares them to sometimes similar but often very different expectations in German culture.

23 It's a Lot More Effective to Be Mean


Elias gets his AirPods, while Sean's been testing them for about a week now. They briefly look back at the announcement of the original iPhone ten years ago, and then they settle in for a discussion of board and card games. Elias goes on an adventure.