68 Zelda Delivery Mechanism


The Breadcrumbs 2017 Year in Review – Elias and Sean look back at the memorable moments of the year and the ways they’ve both grown.

67 Biological Instinct Machines


Elias and Sean discuss the fox and the hedgehog—not a fable but a way to categorize two types of people based on a 2700-year-old quote with no context.

66 The Echo Chamber Situation


Elias and Sean debate “triaging” friendships—pursuing people you want to rub off on you or avoiding association with “the wrong crowd.”

64 Not to Be Confused With Meatloaf


With Sean visiting Elias in Germany, they record an in-person episode about everything they’ve been up to.

63 Full-on Hermit Mode


Elias and Sean talk about making friends as third culture kids and ask the more general question of whether it’s possible to make friends without being able to relate to each other’s past and/or identity. In the aftershow, Elias quizzes Sean about the iPhone X.

62 Forged in the Fires of 11th Grade


Elias and Sean talk about best friends – why some friends are closer than others but also the phenomenon of calling someone “best friend.”

59 Downtime Factor


Elias and Sean compare tendencies to overwork or “underwork” oneself, and discuss whether superhuman quantities of output are something to be strived for.