88 Filing Down a U-Beam


Elias and Sean discuss writing – from the purpose and value of different types of writing to the difficulty of translating thoughts and concepts from the mind to the page. In the aftershow, Sean has some Drafts follow up.

87 Some Shebang System


Elias and Sean talk about automation – from systems of human-based automation that have existed from ages past to the scripts that run on their computing devices today.

86 Objectively Stupid Light


Elias and Sean discuss hiking, camping, and cycling gear – what type of trip they’d gear up for if they could go all out, what purchases they’ve been delighted or disappointed by, and upcoming trips they’re preparing for.

84 Turn Around and You See Mount Doom


Elias and Sean discuss hiking, why people enjoy it or don’t, and the role of current and future technology in spending time outdoors.

83 A Whole Slew of Guinea Pigs


Elias and Sean discuss their personal histories with pets. In the aftershow, they briefly cover self-driving car fatalities, Facebook and Cambridge Analytica, and current podcast listening.

81 Todo Dispenser


In this thrilling conclusion to the todo app trilogy: Elias and Sean remember the most productive times of their lives, dive into the problems these apps need to address, and share the most important thing they’ve learned over the years.

80 Hypothetical Discipline Game App


In the second part of the task management design trilogy, Elias and Sean discuss gamification, motivation, and discipline. Elias gets really excited about an idea.

79 Do Date


Elias and Sean begin a three-part series in which they attempt to design their own task management system. (Spoiler: they never really do.)